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Här visas ändringar i "GETTING STARTED" mellan 2018-10-11 10:36 av Christopher Peters och 2018-10-11 10:38 av Christopher Peters.

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CST Teaching KTH Social Group

If you are the supervisor of a new PhD student, you should inform them as soon as possible about the Getting Started section here. The group is open, so anyone can join it.

CST Documentation KTH Social Group

This group contains records of APT department meetings and other important department matters. The group can be found here: https://www.kth.se/social/group/cst-documentation/ . If you are a member of the CST department but do not have access, please email chpeters@kth with subject line '[CST Teaching] Need access to CST Documentation KTH Social Group'.

EECS School NewsLetter

The EECS School news letter sometimes contains notification of very important events and it is a good idea to make sure you receive it.

The exact subject line reads 'pEECS #x Newsletter from EECS', where x is the current newsletter issue. if you do not receive the newsletter, you should email communication-support@eecs.kth.se to ask them to register you for it.

Mailing Lists¶

A list of mailing lists can be found here: https://intra.kth.se/en/eecs/skolans-organisation/kontakt-grupper/funktionsadresser/e-postlistor/avdelningarnas-e-postlistor-1.817018 . If you think you should be on one of the lists but are not, please email communication-support@eecs.kth.se .¶