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Version skapad av Christopher Peters 2019-10-02 16:02

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  • The EECS Servicecenter is a very good source of support if you are not sure who to contact about various matters. The Servicecenter at Borggården can be contacted here: service@eecs.kth.se . You can also visit them on Plan 4, Lindstedtsvägen 3.

  • When you commence employment at KTH, once of you first visits will be to the Servicecenter in order to arrange for an access card and room key.

  • It is good to familiarise yourself with the KTH Academic Calendar available here: https://www.kth.se/student/schema/lasarsindelning-for-undervisning-och-examination-1.1007 . Note that there are four periods per academic year, divided into two terms Hösttermin (HT) and Vårtermin (VT).


CST Teaching KTH Social Group

  • If you are the supervisor of a new PhD student, you should inform them as soon as possible about the Getting Started section here. The group is open, so anyone can join it.

CST Documentation KTH Social Group

  • This group contains records of APT department meetings and other important department matters. The group can be found here: https://www.kth.se/social/group/cst-documentation/  . If you are a member of the CST department but do not have access, please email chpeters@kth with subject line '[CST Teaching] Need access to CST Documentation KTH Social Group'.

EECS School NewsLetter

  • The EECS School news letter sometimes contains notification of very important events and it is a good idea to make sure you receive it.

  • The exact subject line reads 'pEECS #x Newsletter from EECS', where x is the current newsletter issue. if you do not receive the newsletter, you should email communication-support@eecs.kth.se to ask them to register you for it.

Mailing Lists



  • For all staff, it's important to find out how much teaching you are budgeted (i.e. will receive) for a specific year. This value should always be 20% or less for a PhD student, should be around 25% for an Assistant Professor and 50%-60% for an Associate Professor. The actual amount of funding that you are receiving for teaching can be checked with CST economy: ekonomi-cst@eecs.kth.se. You should always be aware of it.
  • If you are a PhD student, your supervisor should be aware of this value - please check it with them. However, keep in mind that if you are receiving funding for a specific amount of teaching, then it is your supervisor's/your responsibility (with the assistance of the DoS) to make sure you are doing that amount of teaching. See 'Staffing' below for the process. If in doubt or need help, contact the Director of Studies (DoS) as soon as possible. More details for PhD students and supervisors can be found here.


  • Staffing is the process by which you report your teaching allocation on courses and additional teaching opportunities may be sought. It typically takes place in June/July. You should receive an email with '[CST Teaching]' in the subject line asking you for teaching details, such as hours worked per course, (1) from the previous academic year and (2) for the upcoming academic year. You may reply with your teaching information via email or arrange a meeting with the DoS. It is especially important to communicate large changes in teaching, although you should meet the DoS in June/July in any case. Face-to-face and Skype meetings are both fine. It is your responsibility to communicate your teaching details to the DoS. If you do not do so, values from previous years will be used to estimate your teaching.

  • Teaching is tracked via the Staffing Spreadsheet (see Important Links section on this site). Since access to the spreadsheet is now limited, it makes it even more important to meet the DoS to confirm your teaching hours. If you do not meet or update the DoS about your teaching efforts, you may not be able to later regain any positive balance in teaching that you have actually done. Your teaching percentage (i.e. funding) may also be reduced in the case of a negative balance.


  • If you are new to CST division, then once you know how much teaching you are being funded for in an academic year (contact CST ekonomi or your supervisor for this information), you should contact the Director of Studies (DoS) as soon as possible to start arranging it. If you are a PhD student, please see the following page. Ideally, your supervisor will already have informed the DoS prior to the commencement of your PhD studies at KTH. You should start arranging your teaching as soon as possible: since 16/17 hours of teaching is equal to 1%, if you have significant teaching funding, it can be difficult to find suitable courses quickly, especially if you wish to teach certain subjects. Please also fill out the following form in relation to your competencies: https://goo.gl/forms/fNbXDY6yActqUAhj2.

  • The process for finding teaching usually involves contacting the course responsibles of courses that you would like to teach in within EECS to see if you can contribute. When doing so, you should obtain a clear estimate of the number of hours and duties that you will do on the course. You should inform the Director of Studies (DoS) about the details as soon as possible.

  • You can get an overview of some of the Computer Science tracks here: https://www.kth.se/en/studies/master/computer-science/course-overview-1.502267 and you can do a search by school/department and other criteria here: https://www.kth.se/student/kurser/sokkurs?q=&department=DK&l=en in order to get more information about specific courses.

  • Finding out if courses are scheduled to run is also important. Most courses have an official University page, in addition to an open access KTH Social page and a closed access Canvas page. See for example https://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/DH2323?l=en and https://www.kth.se/social/course/DH2323/ . To see if a course has been scheduled to run, look at the official course information page (i.e. first link) for a Course offerings section. The details of the offering i.e. course round, should be available there. If there are no details, the course may not be scheduled to run and students will not be able to register for it. Room booking is a separate process - to confirm that rooms are actually booked for your course, it's best to check TimeEdit: https://cloud.timeedit.net/kth/web/public01/ If rooms are not booked, please contact schema@admin.kth.se (don't forget that exams also need to be booked!)