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Contact Details
International Coordinator, Student OfficeVeronika Wallinder, Elin Wiljergård Plith, exchange-dd@sci.kth.se
Office hours/Drop in at Teknikringen 8, ground floor: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00-15:00
Contact details to the responsible persons for your specialisation
* Aerospace : Stefan Hallström, stefanha@kth.se– Raffaello Mariani, rmariani@kth.se, Stefan Hallström, stefanha@kth.se
* Applied Math – Michael Hanke, hanke@nada.
* Applied Math: Mattias Sandberg, msandb@kth.se
* Math: Fredrik Viklund frejo@kth.se
* Vehicle (Road and Rail) –: Mikael Nybacka, mnybacka@kth.se
* Engineering Physics –: Magnus Andersson, magnusan@kth.se
* Engineering Mechanics –: Sören Östlund, soren@kth.se
* Nuclear –: Jan Dufek jandufek@kth.se
* Sustainable Energy –: Chamindie Senaratne, chamindie.senaratne@energy.kth.se
* Naval –: Karl Garme, garme@kth.se, Magnus Burman, mburman@kth.se
Programme directors for the degree programmes
* Engineering Physics – Martin Viklund, martin.wiklund@biox.kth.se
* Vehicle Engineering – Per Wennhage wennhage@kth.se
KTH Entréinfo@kth.se
Language Department languagecourses@kth.se
Student Union international@ths.kth.se
Course- and Student Offices (re-regististration for a course, pick up exams or purchase course compendiums. What office you should turn to depends on which school/department is responsible for the course.) https://www.kth.se/student/studievagledning-kontakt/kurs-och-studentexpeditioner-1.328345
Degree Administration Officeinfo@kth.se
Graduation Ceremonyceremonier@kth.se
Career Supportkarriar@kth.se