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Degree Project
The degree project work has to be a direct application of the knowledge and skills assimilated by the student during his/her engineering studies and to be oriented towards the area defined by the specialisation area chosen by the student. Credits, time and grade The final degree project/thesis work is 30 credits (one semester of full time studies). You should complete your 60 technical credits at advanced level before you begin with your degree project. However, there is no specific deadline when to start or when to apply, even if it is advisable to start at the beginning of a semester, some students begin later, in the middle of the semester, as long as the supervisor and examiner agree on the starting date.
KTH has decided that from the 1 July 2015, the grades pass (P) and fail (F) will be used for all master thesis. Students who started their studies during the period 2007-07-01 - 2015-06-30 can inform us if they still want to perform their master thesis on A-F grading system. This written notification should be made before the registration to the master thesis and before the work begins.
Guidelines for degree projects: https://www.kth.se/en/samverkan/exjobb/studenter/riktlinjer-1.293804
*Lägga till info från utbildningsplanerna*¶
Finding a degree projectIf you don´t have your degree project ready or planned out, you can find more information below, or contact the relevant department, teachers, professors etc.
KTH Degree Project Portal: https://www.kth.se/en/samverkan/exjobb/kth-exjobbportal-1.292786
Contact: https://www.kth.se/en/samverkan/exjobb/uppdragsgivare/kontakt-1.284544
Application When you have found a degree project you need to fill in a document called “Examensarbetsansökan/Application for a degree project” found here: X together with a KTH supervisor and examiner, who will provide a course code for your degree project. If you are planning to do the degree project at a different school than the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) please talk to the responsible for your specialisation to make sure that there is no problem in changing the field for the degree project. If you plan to do your degree project at another school and within another subject than your specialisation it is also important that the programme director for the degree programme in either Engineering Physics or Vehicle Engineering approves. It is up to you to find both your degree project and your supervisor and examiner (sometimes it is the same person).
Make sure that all fields in the application are filled in, that you sign the application at the bottom of the page and that your KTH examiner signs the application. The application should be handed to your examiner and the examiner will notify the department. It is very important that the form has been signed before you begin with your project work. Also make sure that you are registered to the degree project course before you start the project, check your Personal Menu for this. Please also check with your home university what is required.
Please remember that your coordinator needs a copy of the application when you have all the signatures so that he/she can subscribe you to the degree project course. However, it is the department that is responsible for the registration.
Doing your degree project as an internship? It is very common that double degree students do their degree project as an internship abroad or in Sweden.
Please remember that the degree project is a public document at KTH. In order to not have any sensitive information archived at KTH, you will have to write two reports. One for the company and one for KTH, both having the same academic standard but one with the sensitive information removed. Your examiner/supervisor should be able to guide you more when it comes to handling sensitive information in degree projects.
The company sometimes needs an internship agreement. Please speak to your supervisor about the details. You can also use the KTH template found here: X
Insurance (if you do you degree project in a third country) If you are planning to do your degree project abroad you can be covered by the insurance “Student UT” during your stay abroad. In order for the insurance to be valid, your examiner/supervisor at KTH and someone at the company need to fill out the document “Agreement för Final Degree Project/Placement”. Please contact your coordinator for more information.