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SCI Research integrity seminars 2024
Course invitation 2024 at KTH/SCI.¶
* Wednesday, March 20, at 10:15-15:00, lunch break 12-13
* Place: tba
Lectures by Professor Christina Moberg¶
Christina Moberg is emeritus professor of organic chemistry at KTH, where she received her Ph D in 1975. Her research interests are devoted to the development of organic synthetic methodology.¶
Christina Moberg has been vice Rector and vice Dean at KTH. She was elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, KVA, in 1998 and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA the same year. She was the President of KVA 2016–2018 and from 2020 she serves as the President of the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, EASAC.¶
Lecture notes.¶
10:15-12:00 Session 1¶
12:00-13:00 Lunch break¶
13:00-15:00 Session 2¶
Student project exercise presentations. All students must work on and present project. More information will be given in the lecture. You are required to articipate in one of the project groups.¶
Group 1¶
Wed 24 April 10:00-15:00 andThu 25 April 10:00-15:00¶
Group 2¶
Tue 28 May 10:00-15:00 andThu 30 May 10:00-15:00 ¶